Strong Circle Leadership & Governance Society

Board governance, HR, and organizational wellness tools.
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Strong Circle Leadership & Governance Society

Board governance, HR, and organizational wellness tools.
Get In TouchAbout Us

Strong Circle Leadership & Governance Society

Founded in 2020 and incorporated as a nonprofit society in 2022, Strong Circle holds a vision for a strong, robust and thriving Indigenous community service sector including urban service providers and Indigenous organizations throughout BC.

we are

We are an Indigenous-led society that offers tools & skill development to enable decolonized and Indigenized board governance, leadership, HR practices, and organizational design.

our approach

We embed Indigenous ways of knowing, being and seeing in our work. We incorporate peer- based learning and support into all that we do. We are grounded in the philosophy that there is ``wisdom in every seat”.

we offer

We offer governance, HR and organizational design solutions to Indigenous and settler-led nonprofits that want to Indigenize and decolonize their practice, maintain strong boards, and ensure workplace wellness and cultural safety for their teams.

Governance Tools

Strong Circle offers governance training using an approach that centres Indigenous Knowledge and methodology. We review responsibilities related to ensuring the organization is “future ready”; due diligence; impact of the agency’s Reason for Being, and; learning from the past to navigate the future.

We offer comprehensive governance assessments, participant toolkits, and custom-designed board governance policy handbooks.

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Human Resource & Wellness Tools

Strong Circle offers culturally-safe human resource policies that are trauma informed, centre a wellness philosophy, and address current workplace legislation. Our Indigenous methodology includes supports to Indigenize and decolonize HR and Occupational Health and Safety standards. We offer Indigenous-led conflict resolution and collaborative practice resources for boards and staffing teams.
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Facilitation & Hosting

Strong Circle offers facilitation, hosting, graphic recording, and report writing services for meetings & gatherings, focus groups, community engagement sessions, and more. Led by an Indigenous-settler hosting team, Strong Circle offers an approach that is grounded in a decolonizing, trauma-informed methodology. Reach out to us to hear more!
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A Story to Tell

Strong Circle and Eli Hirtle have partnered to record the origin story of the Indigenous nonprofit sector. We are listening to Elders and Knowledge Keepers share the stories of Indigenous nonprofits that emerged in the 1950s and beyond as urban migration increased and as people came together to support one another in cities and towns.

We can look to the past to navigate our future: the story of early leaders and trailblazers are teachings that can be applied to how we approach current leadership challenges and opportunities today.

Wealth Sharing & Redistribution

Strong Circle redistributes wealth back into First Nations and Indigenous communities towards culture and traditional governance. We are built on a shared revenue model that favours equitable wealth distribution amongst our collaborators.

Governance Tools

Strong Circle offers governance training using an approach that centres Indigenous Knowledge and methodology. We review responsibilities related to ensuring the organization is “future ready”; due diligence; impact of the agency’s Reason for Being, and; learning from the past to navigate the future.

We offer comprehensive governance assessments, participant toolkits, and custom-designed board governance policy handbooks.

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Human Resource & Wellness Tools

Strong Circle offers culturally-safe human resource policies that are trauma informed, centre a wellness philosophy, and address current workplace legislation. Our Indigenous methodology includes supports to Indigenize and decolonize HR and Occupational Health and Safety standards. We offer Indigenous-led conflict resolution and collaborative practice resources for boards and staffing teams.
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Facilitaton & Hosting

Strong Circle offers facilitation, hosting, graphic recording, and report writing services for meetings & gatherings, focus groups, community engagement sessions, and more. Led by an Indigenous-settler hosting team, Strong Circle offers an approach that is grounded in a decolonizing, trauma-informed methodology. Reach out to us to hear more!
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A Story to Tell

Strong Circle and Eli Hirtle have partnered to record the origin story of the Indigenous nonprofit sector. We are listening to Elders and Knowledge Keepers share the stories of Indigenous nonprofits that emerged in the 1950s and beyond as urban migration increased and as people came together to support one another in cities and towns.

We can look to the past to navigate our future: the story of early leaders and trailblazers are teachings that can be applied to how we approach current leadership challenges and opportunities today.

Wealth Sharing & Redistribution

Strong Circle redistributes wealth back into First Nations and Indigenous communities towards culture and traditional governance. We are built on a shared revenue model that favours equitable wealth distribution amongst our collaborators.

Circle Team

Strong Circle hosts a team of collaborators who offer both expert and peer-based support in the areas of governance, leadership, conflict resolution and mediation, communications, and more.
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Who We Work With


Who We Work With

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Strong circle operates throughout BC, which is comprised of the traditional territories of many distinct First Nations. We are grateful to these Nations and honour their right to be included in all matters related to their territories.